Experts in military periscope technology
We have a wide range of day periscopes, for driving and observation. You can individualise your own periscope based on the choice of the prisms (glass or acrylic) and the housing (metal).
Find out more about our periscopes.
Why we do what we do, our purpose
To protect those who protect us.
How, we do this?
What products and services do we provide?
GuS Periscopes designs, manufactures, and repairs standard and custom tank and AFV periscopes, episcopes and vision blocks which are qualified to internationally recognised military standards and customer specific requirements.
GuS Periscopes
UK-based experts in military periscope technology
GuS Periscopes Ltd. is a wholly owned subsidiary of GuS glass + safety GmbH, a family-owned SME with more than 40 years of experience in providing blue chip global AFV prime contractors and MoD’s with vision safety solutions and ballistic resistant glass.

Service personnel around the world are exposed to combat threats on a daily basis whilst performing operational missions. With this in mind, GuS Periscopes is highly focused and committed to providing the best possible periscope technology to counter these combat threats. Products that keep their users out of harm’s way.

Products designed and built by highly skilled individuals, to conform to rigid International standards, robust and fit for purpose. Quality is synonymous with the GuS brand. GuS Periscopes operates a Quality Management System (QMS) compliant with EN ISO 9001, following strict process and product controls starting from the design, through the manufacturing processes to end user delivery.

GuS Periscopes’ vision safety solutions are designed, manufactured, and qualified in accordance with US MIL-DTL-62420 B(AT) and German Technical Conditions of Supply (TL) standards, amongst others. Due to our ongoing technology development, process development and continuous improvements we optimise the durability of our products. Designed and manufactured to work in the most extreme environments, products that end users can rely on for their critical missions.