Cost-effective spares and repair service
We offer full aftermarket support for our tank and AFV periscopes, episcopes and onboard vision systems and vision blocks and, in the unfortunate event that our products have been damaged, we can provide a full spares and repair service. For products that can be repaired, we guarantee full conformance to the original specifications and warranty, in accordance with our standard terms and conditions.
Repairs can be a cost effective and sustainable way of ensuring availability of equipment, and thus vehicles, to end users.
Parts obsolescence
For those end users experiencing parts with obsolescence issues on existing legacy AFV fleets, we can reverse engineer existing legacy products and offer an alternative cost-effective source of supply.
If you require aftermarket support or are experiencing obsolescence issues, please do contact us.
Optical bonding
We are experts in the field of clear cold process optical bonding. These bonding techniques have been developed and qualified for harsh environmental conditions, and for use in our tank and AFV periscopes, episcopes and onboard vision systems and vision blocks. Our cold processes do not employ the use of temperature, pressure or vacuum therefore providing a robust, cost effective and scalable bonding method.
We employ two primary bonding techniques utilising clear optical silicone and UV adhesives, typical applications include electronic display bonding and camera assemblies utilised in aerospace and defence applications. In the case of electronic displays, we can also incorporate EMI micro-mesh films to meet customer specific requirements.
If you have any optical bonding requirements, please do contact us to discuss your application.